Clubhouse Flooring
It had been quite noticeable for a while that the main floor tiles in the Clubhouse were deteriorating very badly. Many were chipped and some edges were curling up, the overall appearance was poor. The existing floor tiles had been down for at least 15 years and had undergone a lot of wear & tear over the years. It was obvious to everyone that they needed replacing. The Committee decided that we would carry out the work during the winter work tasks. Strangely enough the floor tiles on the lower floor of the Clubhouse have weathered very well and are still in very good condition and it was decided that there was no need to replace those. Tony Dunn, our Works Manager for the year met with a few flooring contractors to obtain some quotes and a final decision was taken to have the new floor laid by Riviera Flooring.
To save money, Club Members set to one Sunday morning and ripped up the existing flooring. The tiles had been laid over sheets of plywood that had been laid over the original tongue & groove floor planks. Indeed when they were uncovered some members enquired about sanding down the floor planks and re-varnishing them. The idea may have seemed sound at first but the practicalities were against the idea. We did have some damaged planks that required to be replaced and there were also holes and other damage around that meant that the overall look would have been undesirable.
One good morning ripped up and disposed of the old covering, and something like hundreds of nails were removed. Some planks adjacent to the balcony extension had taken in a lot of damp over the years and had to be removed and replaced. We made sure that everything was ready for the new tiles.
On Tuesday 7th February, Riviera Flooring started by laying new sheets of 5mm plywood which were nailed down and all edges sealed. Then on Wednesday they started the long job of laying in excess of 500 tiles to give the finished appearance that can be seen in the final picture.
The work and materials are first class and Riviera Flooring are to be congratulated on an excellent job. The pictures below show the replacement floor covering evolving.