Boxing Day Swim & Social 2022

A calm sea, the sun came out, and so did the crowds. The beach at Porthpean was crowded with those that wanted to brave the cold sea and those that wanted to watch. Who would have thought of a scene like that at the end of December. Some things just have to be done, it’s tradition.

How the word had spread.

Pete and Jan told club members that they were putting on soup, mince pies and coffee & Issy told the locals and the ‘Blue Tits’ (swimmers) of our plans.

The so-called sensible ones on the beach urged the intrepid swimmers to brave the water. One couple, who had travelled over 300 miles commented that they thought the sea was warmer than they expected. It turns out that they had done a Christmas Day swim in the North Sea 24hrs previously.

After spending time on the beach, it was time to gather in the clubhouse. The heaters were on, and Pete & Jan had been busy in the galley. Pete had made two large pans of Moroccan soup. There were plates of mince pies and a choice of hot chocolate, tea, or coffee,  the clubhouse soon filled up.

Rather than being charged for the fare on offer, folk were invited to make voluntary donations to Parkinsons Research UK and raised a wonderful £174 for the charity. Thank you to everyone for their kind generosity.

For a lot of people this was the perfect way to round off the Christmas festivities.

A few photo’s were taken during the morning to show what a lovely day it was at Porthpean.

See a selection below.

Tony  Soc Sec.


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